LEA Connect Network

LEA Connect 702, 2 x 700W, WiFi

LEA Connect 702, 2 x 700W, WiFi | 2 channel x750W @4 Ohm, 8Ohm and 70V and 100V per channel, internal DSP w/Crossovers, IoT Device w built in WiFi Hotspot, Wifi or Fast Ethernet Connectivity and highly efficient power supply with Class D output stage

LEA Connect 704D, 4 x 700W, WiFi, Dante

LEA Connect 704D, 4 x 700W, WiFi, Dante | 4 channel x700W @4 Ohm, 8Ohm and 70V and 100V per channel, internal DSP w/Crossovers, and Dante, IoT device with built in Wifi Hotspot, Wifi or FAST Ethernet connectivity and highly efficient power supply with class D output stage