Televic Lingua ID Tolkestasjon med HDMI

Interpreter Desk - Video Enabled ISO 20109 compliant interpreter desk with ergonomic and user-friendly design of both buttons layout and user interface. Designed with interpreters in mind the unit includes hearing protection, braille and beep tones for visually impaired interpreters. The unit has 6 relay channels and 3 outgoing channels. An HDMI connection at the back of the unit simplifies live and low latency video distribution to screens. Configuration of Floor + 11 languages on Plixus Core webserver. More advanced functionality like pre-configured relay presets, auto-floor, ... requires CoCon interpretation. (Can only be connected to Plixus MME) Microphone to be ordered separately.
Artikelnr: 326-00116
Tillverkarens artikelnummer: 71.98.2101